Damage Calculation

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Outcoming damage

Base melee damage is equal to weapon damage (which depends on weapon type and quality). Base range damage is equal to arrow damage multiplied by weapon quality coefficient (1 for poor quality + 0.075 for each quality above till to a total 1.3 for excellent quality). After that base damage is multiplied by STR coefficient (+5% damage for each STR point above 10). Also well rested buff can gain up to 15% damage bonus.

For example peasant with 15 STR, any bow with Good quality and 3 stack of well rested buff shooting copper arrow will have total outcoming damage: 30*1.15*1.25*1.15=49.59 damage (copper arrow damage * quality coeff * STR coeff * well rested coeff).

Bear has 120 damage, and wolf has 60 damage. Also they have STR stat which increase over time.

Damage is reduced by 20% for each enemy hit by current attack (so a single swing with two-handed sword with base damage 50 will hit first enemy for 50 damage, second for 40, third for 32, etc.).

Incoming damage

Incoming damage can be reduced or increased in several ways:

1) attack can be blocked with a shield. In that case, melee attacker will be stunned and defender will lose some "blocking stamina" depending on incoming damage
2) incoming damage can be reduced by weared armor. Armor part is selected randomly: 23% to defend with helmets, 36% to defend with body armor, 25% to defend with leggings, 16% to defend with boots
3) buildings reduce incoming pierce damage in 3 times, blunt and slash damage in 1.5 times. Also pierce and slash damage cannot damage building for more than 15 damage and max blunt damage againist buildings is 30

Diffirent ore types on the quarry have different "armor", so it is impossible to get iron with bad picks and low-STR characters. Also each ore has hp pool and after damaging to that pool quarry drops selected ore.

Base stats for Ordinary Quarry:

Stone armor = 8;
Stone hp = 100;

Copper armor = 22;
Copper hp = 170;

Clay armor = 22;
Clay hp = 350;

Tin armor = 31;
Tin hp = 400;

Iron armor = 50;
Iron hp = 400;

Trees and farms can only be hit with slash weapons, quarries and pebble only by blunt weapons, debris and farm "plan" only by pierce melee weapon.

Critical hit

Critical hit chance depends on weapon type, weapon quality, well rested buff, "Lucky" trait, and Weapon Honing science upgrade.

Each weapon has a chance to land a critical hit. The critical hit mechanic is based on current hit type.

a critical hit while attacking ignores half of the target's armor
a critical hit while building spends one resource instead of two
a critical hit while harvesting farms grants an additional crop

So it is important to have bigger critical chance for warriors, builders and farmers (only for sickles) and critical chance is useless for miners and woodcutters.

Bear has 70% crit chance and wolf has 30% crit chance.