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The feudal lord and peasants can gain traits. A list of all traits can be viewed on the inventory/equipment screen.

Peasants gain three traits over time, and a fourth trait can be unlocked for 25000 gold. The chance to get certain traits depends on a peasant's professions.

The feudal lord can unlock traits with gold, and only if there are a certain number of peasants in the village. However, the feudal lord can have special traits, many of which affect the entire village.

General Traits
Nature Lover
The happiness bonus from roofs is active everywhere.
7% chance not to spend a resource when crafting/trading/building.
Has 5 happiness for each peasant in a 5 meter radius.
The character is immune to movement slowdown from floodplains and darkness.
Critical chance is increased by 20% (of weapon/tool critical chance).
The character can't be stunned.
Dash duration is doubled.
Health total is doubled.
The speed bonus from roads and the happiness bonus from floors is increased by 25%.
Maximum stamina can't fall below 30%. Stamina recovery rate is increased by 10% while maximum stamina is higher than 70%.
Rain Man
The "Wet" effect doesn't affect hunger rate and grants an additional 10 points of happiness. Immune to the "Frozen" effect during a snowstorm.
Movement speed penalty from armor is reduced by 50% (stacks with the Removable Armor Parts upgrade, but can't be more than 100%).
Earns 10% more base stat experience.
Hard Worker
Maximum stamina spend rate is one and a half times slower.
Has an additional 5 points of happiness while sleeping (also works while sitting on the throne).
Health and maximum stamina gained from consumables is increased by 50%, and fullness is increased by 25%.
Don't Panic!
Armor is increased by 50% and health regeneration is increased by 100% when retreating.
The Well Rested effect accumulation rate is doubled.
Feudal Traits
Gains 5% more science experience.
Upon taking a fatal hit, the feudal lord becomes invulnerable for 1 sec. and recovers 50% of his health. This effect can only trigger once per battle.
Arriving peasants have their worst base stat increased by 2 points.
Enemies can't retreat.
Barrel volume is doubled.
Amount of gold requested by events (robbers, bards, huntsman, etc.) is reduced by 30%.
There is no penalty for selling goods to a trader who don't specialize in this type of goods. Income from trading using a trade tent is increased by 10%.
Robbers will have better equipment, and also will have two times more money and food.
Hidden Village
Robbers and traders appear 50% less often, and new peasants arrive 5% less often.
Lures For Animals
The frequency at which cows, sheep, wolves, and bears arrive is increased by 50%.
Outstanding Builder
The feudal lord has a 1% chance to complete a building with each hit, but you will only get 50% of the resources when you destroy the unfinished building.
The happiness penalty from whip hits is decreased by 50%, and effect duration is 5 times longer.