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The chieftain rules by right of the strongest


The chieftain (feudal lord) plays the most important role in the tribe. The feudal lord is several times stronger and smarter than any of the peasants. He can handle raids, wolves, and bears by himself. However, he can't just sit on the stone throne — he has to work alongside his villagers and defend them. And any time a villager dies, it's a real hit to the feudal lord.


- The feudal lord's starting stats are doubled
- The feudal lord gains stats four times faster
- The feudal lord loses 2 points from a random stat every time a peasant dies
- The stone throne cannot be built
- The feudal lord's maximum stamina regeneration rate during sleep is doubled
- The feudal lord's equipment doesn't lose durability when used
- The feudal lord's inventory is always maximum, not based on stats
- Bonuses from the feudal lord's personal traits are doubled (if applicable)
- Number of personal traits for the feudal lord to choose from is increased from three to five
- Gold can be found in debris

Starting bonuses

- Copper sword
- "Berserker" trait: upon taking a fatal hit, the feudal lord becomes invulnerable for 1 sec. and recovers 50% of his health. This effect can only trigger once per battle


- The feudal lord restores maximum stamina before a fight. He also gets the maximum level of the "Well Rested" effect (grants +15% damage, +25% critical chance, +50% stamina recovery speed)
- Decisions that require losing a peasant are replaced with others