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You can enhance the fun of the game using different game mods. At the moment the localization and map mods are available.

To use mods you should find them in First Feudal Steam workshop and then subsribe on them. After that go to the "Mods" menu and activate the desired mods (map mods activates automatically). Keep in mind that on the first time of mod activation you should keep Steam online. After localization mod activation new language will appear in the settings, you have to choose it. After map mod activation new map will be available in the maps list on the new game start or in the map editor.

To create a localization mod, locate sampleLocalizationMod (In the working directory at: "%LocalAppData%/FirstFeudal/mods" for Windows), extract the sample archive, read the readme file, and change the data, meta, and preview files. To upload a mod to the Steam workshop, use the "Create Mod" button and select the meta.ini file. Keep in mind that all mod files need to be in the game directory ("%LocalAppData%/FirstFeudal" for Windows). To create a map mod in Steam Workshop - just publish it (Main menu > Map Editor > Choose your map > Publish).

If you want to change a localization mod you created, just change the files, set changeNote, change the version in the meta file, and press "Update mod" (select meta.ini just like when you created the mod). You can just republish your map to update it in the Steam Workshop. You can find more information in the Mods Manual on Steam.