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Enemies are nearby!

Robbers are roaming the nearby forests. What should we do?

Trade caravan!

Merchants are passing our village. What should we do?

Bard in the village!

A bard has arrived in the village and offers to glorify our village for a modest fee. What should we do?

There's a wolf nearby!

We spotted a wolf in the nearby forest. What should we do?


We spotted a bear in the nearby forest. What should we do?

A strange old man!

Walking around just outside the village, you come across a strange old man. For some inexplicable reason, you are imbued with trust in him. He was sadly pulling a cart with four chests inside, but on seeing you, he cheers up and begins gesturing animatedly. Apparently, he is telling you to choose a chest.

Problems with insects!

Recently, suspicious insects have been appearing more and more often at the village's farms. What should we do?

Animals behaving strangely!

Some animals have recently become restless. What should we do?

Healer in the village!

A healer has arrived in the village. You've never heard of him, but rumor has it he one saved an entire village from starvation. What should we do?

A great feast!

The village has been thriving for over a year now. The peasants demand a feast! What should we do?

Comet sighted!

Tonight the sky lit up with a bright flash of light, and various rumors are spreading about it in the village.

Enemy caravan!

An enemy caravan is passing by our village. The caravan is carrying goods or gold, but it is guarded by serious warriors. What should we do?

Winter is coming!

The cold is coming soon, so it's time to make sure you have food. What should we do?

End of summer!

The dark part of the annual calendar is coming. There is a rumor among the peasants that the border between the worlds will be so thin tonight that all kinds of evil can enter our world, and people can easily enter the realm of the dead. What should we do?

We were robbed!

Last night we noticed a couple of dark figures sneaking around our chests and barrels! Today we are missing several bundles of items. What should we do?

Master weaponsmith in the village!

Legends and ballads have been written about this master of arms! What luck that his path somehow miraculously passed through our village. We can't miss this opportunity! What should we do?

Master armorer in the village!

A legendary armorer arrived in the village. Built like a dwarf, strong as a hero! His armor sets are truly masterpieces. What should we do?

Master smith in the village!

There is no item in the world that this smith can't reforge. Even an ordinary axe can become truly legendary in his hands! However, this fellow is no ordinary city dweller: he lives in the mountains where fangs are valued much more than gold. What should we do?

A new beginning!

My head is still aching from everything that happened yesterday... I'm the overlord's bastard? I have to disappear? Argh... No, I won't die in this forest just because my blood isn't blue enough! And I'll prove that I deserve so much more than just being forgotten! But first, let's solve the most important problem... Where do I sleep tonight?

Become the first feudal lord!

Against all odds, you managed to establish an entire village in this deep forest! Rumor has it that even the overlord is impressed by your success. But don't stop there: it's time to show him, and everyone else, that it's not the blood in your veins that makes you a worthy man, son, and ruler! Military victory: organize a military campaign in early summer and conquer all nearby territories. Economic Victory: Produce gold in your own mint. Scientific Victory: Research 3 science upgrades in tier VI to become a local science hub.

Let's show everyone our military superiority!

Our village is growing and thriving! It's time to show to the nearby villages who the biggest feudal lord around is! Keep in mind that their warriors are not just robbers, but well-equipped and well-trained fighters. What should we do?

The enemy is defeated!

The civilians have pledged their loyalty to you! The remaining neighboring villages are concerned about your aggressive actions.

The enemy is defeated again!

The civilians have pledged their loyalty to you! The remaining neighboring villages have decided to form a defensive alliance against us!

Let's show everyone our military superiority!

It's time for the final act of our military campaign! The remaining neighboring villages are on high alert. They have decided to form a defensive alliance against us, and their troops are always mobilized and ready for battle! You will have to fight on two fronts, so perhaps you should be a little patient and get ready. What should we do?

Military Victory!

All your neighbors are defeated! You have proven, with blood and sweat, that you are worthy of becoming the overlord's successor! Besides, it's hard not to place first in the race if there's only one contender!

Scientific Victory!

Your technological superiority is more than obvious! Your patience, diligence, and unbridled thirst for knowledge are beyond all praise. You are undoubtedly worthy of becoming the overlord's successor!

Economic victory!

Your economic influence is absolute! Your village runs like clockwork, and gold flows like a river. You are undoubtedly worthy of becoming the overlord's successor!

Winter has come!

The whole world is covered in snow - Animals can only eat straw and plants from the animal feeder. Hungry animals do not provide resources (wool/milk) and do not breed. The ground is frozen - farms and apiaries are dormant in winter. After the harvest, reassign farmers to other professions. There is a food deficit - food prices set to 200% of base price. Fierce weather - during a snowstorm, it is very cold and you need to warm up under a roof or near a fire.

Storage on fire!

A lightning bolt hit a storage that wasn't moved under a roof. It's burning! What should we do?

Our robberies have attracted attention!

The number of civilians and trade caravans being robbed in our region has significantly increased! The local lords and the merchant guild are clearly concerned about this, since they brought an impressive squad of first-class mercenaries to deal with this problem. What should we do?

Our region became calm and prosperous!

Our peaceful policy toward passing merchants and generosity toward travelers have led to the prosperity of our region! People feel safe, trade guilds are not afraid to lose their caravans, and local lords want to cooperate with us. What should we do?

Merchant's rumors

Merchant told us about the events around the world and about goods which will be deficit or proficit in the next 8 days. Price for this goods will not be changed no matter how much items we will buy or sell. What should we do?

Meeting with the suzerain

Your aristocratic knowledge, habits and connections easily allow you to get a meeting with your suzerain. What should we do?

Time to pay the bills!

The suzerain sent a messenger. The messenger handed over a letter with a reminder of the vassal's duty to support the suzerain. It lists the necessary weapons and armor, as well as a couple of lines about the shortage of peasants. What should we do?